Johan Kay
Johan is a graduate engineer from the École Nationale Supérieure d’Electronique et de Radioélectricité de Grenoble (now Phelma, Grenoble INP), specialising in microelectronics and microsystems. He is also a graduate of CEIPI, a French Patent Attorney and a European Patent Attorney.
He began his career in 2009 in Grenoble in an IP firm. He joined our team in 2013 and is involved in developing Camus Lebkiri’s Grenoble office, advising, assisting and representing our clients in obtaining, maintaining and defending their industrial property rights.
In particular, he drafts new patent applications and monitors patent grant procedures before the main offices (INPI, EPO, USPTO, etc.). Johan works more specifically in the fields of electronics, micro and nanotechnologies, electrochemistry and semiconductor physics. He also handles cases in the fields of mechanics and telecommunications.
Contact: johan.kay@camus-lebkiri.com