Lamia Ammoura
Lamia Ammoura graduated from the Ecole Normale Supérieure in Lyon with a degree in Physics. She then worked as a PhD student in a CEA laboratory (Paris-Saclay, France), where she studied atmospheric physics. During her research work, Lamia was particularly interested in quantifying CO2 emissions over the Paris area.
After several years in the field of educational engineering in biostatistics, Lamia began working as a patent engineer in 2017. She works in many technical fields, and more particularly in various areas of physics. More specifically, Lamia works on cases relating to mechanics, optics, semiconductor physics, photovoltaic cells, laser instrumentation, image processing, artificial intelligence, signal processing and telecommunications.
Lamia is graduated from CEIPI, French and European Patent Attorney.
Contact: lamia.ammoura@camus-lebkiri.com