Maël Barbier
Maël is an engineering graduate of ENSEIRB-MATMECA in Telecommunications and holds a Master 2 in Economics of Intellectual Property. During these courses, he studied computer science, signal processing and networks, as well as the economics of innovation and sector intelligence.
During his studies he developed web and mobile applications using Machine Learning and in particular pattern recognition, automatic classification and speech recognition.
After an end-of-studies internship as a Patent Engineer in industry, he joined our firm in 2018.
As a patent attorney, he worked in particular on telecommunications, IT, especially operating systems, machine learning and artificial intelligence, and electronics, especially signal processing and spintronics. He handles all aspects related with patents, and especially patent drafting, examination, freedom-to-operate studies and financial valuation of patents.
Contact: mael.barbier@camus-lebkiri.com