
Cabinet Camus Lebkiri is an APinnov2024 partner!
#APinnov is an event organised by AP-HP, Assistance Publique - Hôpitaux de Paris, to promote hospital innovation and encourage the transfer of medical technologies. More than 500 participants, project leaders, industrials, business incubators, intellectual property consultants and public and private funders will be meeting up for a day of discussions and meetings.
Noémie Bardel, a member of the #APinnov jury, and Alexandre Lebkiri will be at the show on Tuesday 18 June 2024. Don't hesitate to contact them to discuss your projects and protections.

Cabinet Camus Lebkiri, partner of APinnov 2023
Cabinet Camus-Lebkiri is a partner of the 19th AP-HP Technology Transfer Meeting - APinnov 2023, which will take place on Thursday 15 June 2023 at the Paris Ile-de-France Chamber of Commerce and Industry.

This event, organised by the AP-HP, promotes hospital innovation and encourages the transfer of medical technologies. More than 600 participants, including project leaders, industrialis, business incubators, intellectual property consultants and public and private funders, will be attending this day of discussions and meetings.
Our experts Alexandre Lebkiri and Noémie Bardel will be attending. Don't hesitate to come and meet them.
For more information on this event:

The unitary patent: what changes for applicants?
The unitary patent, or ‘European patent with unitary effect’, came into force on 1 June 2023. This is a European patent granted by the European Patent Office (EPO) with unitary effect for the territory of the Member States of the European Union (EU) that participate in the unitary patent system and have ratified the agreement relating to a unified patent Court. Compared with the classic European patent, a unitary patent offers European patent holders protection that is territorially extensive and uniform in all participating Member States. Unitary effect is only conferred at the request of the patent holder.
The unitary patent system is accompanied by the creation of a new international jurisdiction, the Unified Patent Court (UP). This new court has exclusive jurisdiction to deal with cases involving the infringement or validity of unitary patents. A decision of the JUB is enforceable in all participating Member States.
Geographical coverage
To date, 17 States have ratified the agreement and participate in the unitary patent: Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, the Netherlands, Portugal, Slovenia and Sweden.

Ultimately, the unitary patent will enable protection to be obtained in 25 EU Member States (corresponding to all EU Member States except Spain and Croatia, which have not wished to participate in the new system for the time being). Cyprus, the Czech Republic, Greece, Hungary, Ireland, Poland, Romania and Slovakia will be added to the previous list of 17 countries as soon as they ratify the agreement.
The unitary effect is obtained in the countries that have ratified the agreement on the date of registration of the unitary effect: there will therefore be different ‘generations’ of unitary patents.

Patent dispute over medical technology: Echosens continues its victorious ways
En détails.
Leaders League 2016
Once again our Trademark and Patent Departments have been named in the LEADERS LEAGUE 2016 rankings of the Top Industrial Property Attorneys in France. We are pleased that the efforts and professionalism of our team are again recognized. >> Lire la suite
APinnov – 2016
On June 14, 2016, Julien PICHON and Aurore SIMON DRUON have taken part in the “rencontres d’Affaires APinnov”. >> Lire la suite
CNCPI – Breakfast Workshop Trademarks 2016
CNCPI continues its intellectual property Workshops and simultaneously organizes, in several cities of France, Trademarks Workshop on May 12, 2016: How to file its Trademark. >> Lire la suite
Etude PI & Economie numérique
L'INPI a publié une étude intitulée "La propriété intellectuelle et la transformation numérique de l'économie". Sollicité pour ce projet notre Cabinet a relevé le défi et proposé deux articles présents dans le document final. >> Lire la suite
Day of IP
Aurore Simon-Druon, associée au sein de notre cabinet, intervient au nom de la CNCPI lors de cet évènement pour vous éclairer sur le thème: de la création hors ligne à l'exploitation en ligne d'une marque. >> Lire la suite